Jean-Yves Jouannais

MOAB (Mother of all the battles) – Epopée en 22 chants

MOAB (Mother of all the battles) – Epopée en 22 chants - Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois

MOAB (Mother of all the Battles) is an epic poem, an imaginary battle.
Its text is the result of a compilation of around a thousand quotes extracted from books on war. These works—collections of poetry, novels, technical books, testimonies, soldiers’ letters, history books—cover all aspects of all wars, from Antiquity to the present day. The result is a text with varied styles, irregular grammar, and multiple tenses, conveying the eternal nature of war.
MOAB is therefore the story of a single battle told through fragments of all the battles that have taken place throughout human history.
For its first staging, in September 2017, at the Musée des Invalides, a selection of ten sections of MOAB was made to be performed by several readers, singers, actors, and musicians.

Type Novel
Publisher Grasset
Publication date 2018
Language French
Number of pages 288 pages
ISBN 9782246815952

33 36 rue de Seine
75006 Paris – FR
+33(0)1 46 34 61 07

NY Fleiss-Vallois
1018 Madison avenue
NYC, NY 10075 – USA
(646) 476 5885