
Pat Boon

Pat Boon - Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois

Pat Boon is not just Pat Boon; it’s also Peggy, Fat Slim, Klux and Klux, and so on. A whole menagerie of more or less animalistic characters dragging their futile desires, their frustrations, or simply their nonsense through a fantasy of a depressive and racist 1930s America. And Winshluss revels in it, with the ruthless brilliance he’s known for in the silent narrative (one can’t help but think of slapstick cinema) or when telling the story of relentless fate. Broken dreams and hearts, grotesque and pitiable destinies that all end up crossing paths to form, together, a hilarious treatise on human stupidity. And fate.
In Pat Boon, no one wins… except, perhaps, Pat himself?
Because that’s how Winshluss is – it’s beyond him: everything always has to end in love!

Type Comic
Publisher Collection Mimolette, éd. L'Association
Publication date 2001
Language french
Size 19 x 26
Number of pages 40 pages
ISBN 2844146090

33 36 rue de Seine
75006 Paris – FR
+33(0)1 46 34 61 07

NY Fleiss-Vallois
1018 Madison avenue
NYC, NY 10075 – USA
(646) 476 5885