
Smart Monkey

Smart Monkey - Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois

It takes fewer than one hundred pages of Winshluss’ talent and intelligence to deconstruct Darwinian theories and illustrate, through example, the transition from ape to modern man. A dazzlingly graceful and energetic animal ballet, SMART MONKEY describes the ancient struggle of the weaker ones to survive against brute force. In this case, it’s a small monkey with mischievous manners, daily confronted with the traps of the jungle and its many predators. Of course, he’s the smartest of them all, and there isn’t a single misstep from which he can’t escape with flair. He embodies the superiority of the brain over muscle, refinement over brutality, culture over instinct… until an epilogue, set 2,000 years later, reminds us that civilization was not built on goodwill, and that the weakest always end up perishing sooner or later…

Type Comic
Publisher Cornélius
Publication date 2004
Language french
Size 26 × 19 cm
Number of pages 100 pages
Printing soft cover
ISBN 9782909990910
Price 20 €

33 36 rue de Seine
75006 Paris – FR
+33(0)1 46 34 61 07

NY Fleiss-Vallois
1018 Madison avenue
NYC, NY 10075 – USA
(646) 476 5885